Finances can be a worry when looking at going to university. There is no hiding the fact that going to university is expensive but the right support is always there, as long as you know where to find it. Most of my friends and I all have part-time jobs outside of university but this is also a great way to meet new people and get away from the stresses of assessments and lectures.
Amy, sport and exercise science
Working as a student ambassador has been a brilliant experience as it is flexible and understanding of university commitments and allows me to develop useful skills. I’ve improved on public speaking by working on campus tours and student Q+As with prospective students, and produced written content for blogs and prospectuses.
Sophie, geography
Being financially independent for the first time can be scary, but it is definitely manageable! As someone from a low-income household, I get help not only from loans but you can also receive bursaries from the university which is a big help. There is also lots of part-time work available which I also do, with the uni (ambassadors, cafe workers, cleaners) and there’s a big town centre, as well as lots of cafe and bar work which are perfect for student hours.
Kacey, economics