This depends on when you apply, what kind of course you have applied for and whether we have all the information we need from you to make a decision. We make undergraduate course offers from October through to mid-May, with most offers being made between February – April.
If you are waiting to hear from us it is worth checking:
Have you provided the all the information we have requested?
Our admissions team may need some additional information about you or your qualifications before they can make you an offer. You can manage your application and respond to the team’s requests through Student View.
Have you shared your portfolio?
Many of our art and design courses require you to share a digital portfolio with us. Your offer will be provisional subject to portfolio review until we receive and can review your portfolio.
Have you responded to our interview request?
Applicants on interviewing courses will not be made an offer until after they have attended interview. Please make sure you check Student View and respond promptly to our interview invitation.
Have you checked the timeline for offer making on your chosen course?
If you attend an interview for one of our health courses, it may be some time before you hear the outcome. Offers are not made for these courses until we have assessed all applications received before the UCAS equal consideration deadline.