Entry requirements
Applicants must normally:
- have a first degree, or demonstrate ability to study at level 7
- hold a recognised professional qualification in social work, nursing, occupational therapy or psychology
- have current registration with the appropriate professional statutory body (Social Work England; Nursing & Midwifery Council; Health and Care Professions Council;) as either a Social Worker, a Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Nurse, an Occupational Therapist or a Psychologist
- be engaged in complex professional practice in mental health services for a minimum of 15 hours per week
- EITHER be nominated by a local authority or other employer who will facilitate relevant, required practice, supervision and assessment of practice to meet course assessment requirements; OR, if an independent practitioner, have written agreement before the start of the course of a local authority or health trust who will provide within their organisation the practice, supervision and assessment of practice by a suitably qualified and experienced person as agreed by the course team.
Please note
- All applicants are required to attend an interview as part of the admissions process.
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will be considered, in line with our RPL regulations.