Find out where the gas, electricity and water meters are and take readings as soon as you move in. You may or may not have a water meter. Check with the landlord or water company if you are not sure.
You will usually be responsible for paying for utilities such as gas, electricity and water. You must set up an account with each supplier. You should be able to get the details of the current supplier from the landlord or agency. Contact the supplier with the appropriate meter reading and ask to set up an account. It is a good idea to shop around before selecting a supplier.
Agree how the bills are going to be paid. If you are on a joint tenancy it is very important to set up the account in all of your names so you are equally liable.
You might have a key or prepayment meter. In this case you will still need to set up an account in your name(s). You can charge the key or card in any shop bearing the PayPoint symbol. .
It’s a good idea to find out where the master switches are for the gas and electricity and the stop cock for the water. You might need them if there is a leak or electrical fault.